
Real world Data Analysis using Healthcare Data

I want to share the details of my personal data analysis project, where I delved into real-world healthcare sample data

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Getting started with Power BI: A beginner’s guide for data enthusiasts

If you’re interested in learning about Power BI and how to get started with this powerful data visualization tool, then this post is for you. As someone who has been using Power BI for a while now,

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How to think like an analyst?

Have you ever wondered what sets analysts apart from other professionals? They have a unique approach to problem-solving and decision-making.

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Tips for Becoming a Business Intelligence Analyst
Jumpstart your career: Tips for becoming a business intelligence analyst

Are you interested in becoming a business intelligence analyst? With the demand for data-driven insights on the rise,

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Tips and strategies for taking your analytical thinking skills to the next level

The ability to analyze and comprehend that data has become an increasingly vital skill in a world where practically every organization relies significantly on it. 

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showcase your SQL skills
How can you showcase your SQL skills as a business intelligence analyst?

SQL (Structured Query Language) is the language of data, and it is the primary tool used in the business intelligence industry for working with data.

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Designing Mobile Dashboards Like a Pro
Designing mobile dashboards like a pro: Best practices for power BI users

Data plays a critical role in making informed decisions in today’s rapidly changing world. With mobile devices becoming an inseparable aspect of our daily lives,

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Mastering Data Visualization: 5 Essential Color Selection Best Practices

As a business intelligence analyst, one of the most critical aspects of your job is communicating data insights effectively. To do that, you need to make sure that the data visualizations

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New York Taxi Weekly – Forecast & Comparison Overview

This week I analyzed a HUGE data set that contained records of 28 million Green Taxi trips in New York City. It was perfect for data wrangling and visualization task.

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How do you deal with missing values while cleaning and transforming data?
How do you deal with missing values while cleaning data?

Data sets often come with missing values. The problem of missing data is relatively common and can significantly affect the conclusions drawn from your data.

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Operational Performance Analysis – Plato’s Pizza Restaurant

This report summarizes Plato’s Pizza restaurant’s annual performance (year 2015). Additionally, it makes recommendations to identify opportunities to increase sales and perform more efficiently.

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Exploratory Data Analysis of the Titanic Disaster

Analyzing the Titanic Kaggle dataset to identify which class was most likely to survive the Titanic disaster.

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Professional End to End Business Intelligence Solution using Power BI

Spirit Sport, is a fictional global manufacturing company. My task is to design and deliver professional and end to end business intelligence solution using Microsoft Power BI. 

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An Interactive Annual Sales Report using Microsoft Power BI

New Market is a fictional multi-national supermarket company having stores in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. This is my personal project to illustrate my Business Intelligence skills.

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Data Visualisation using Microsoft Excel Dashboard Design

As a Data Visualization Specialist, my task is to design a dashboard using Microsoft Excel to clearly communicate insights.Grand Beach Resorts, a resort hotel chain, facing revenue loss due to advanced reservations.

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